Day Forty Six - West Bexington to Ferry Bridge 23.5 km (14.6 miles).
Time on route 5:45hrs, walking time 5:10hrs.
Tuesday 08 May 2018

It had been the hottest early May Bank Holiday on record so I waited until both the temperature and holiday crowds dissipated before heading back onto the path. I reversed what I usually do, parking at the beginning of my walk knowing I'd have to catch the bus back to it at the end. I figured it'd be easier to park down a lane in Swyre than in Weymouth. I headed off On Chesil Beach but fortunately didn't have to slog the ankle-turning shingle for too long as the path hops onto a track at the back of the beach.

I noted all the sheep's wool caught on the brambles. Then I realised there were no sheep around - particularly as the track was fenced off - so I inspected these bundles of fluff more closely and realised they were larvae nests.

These caterpillar nests are all over the brambles. Just waiting to pupate and fly.

The SWCP stone signage is a nice Dorset touch.

I climbed up onto Chapel Hill. OK, hardly a 'climb' in the SWCP sense of the word: a dizzying 40 m above MSL but enough for me to finally peer over Chesil Beach shingle spit and spot the sea. It was a rare view for today's leg.

Looking forwards east, the Fleet Lagoon stretched on for miles. Back in 1943 it was famously used to test Barnes Wallis' bouncing bomb. It's a strange place. From the nature point of view it hosts the Swannery at Abbotsbury, numerous bird nesting sites (which is why the coast path often deviates away from the coast) and other conservation preservation zones. These nestle up next to old MOD pill boxes and live firing ranges. So still very much a mix of military and wildlife.

Talking of wildlife, my old foe appeared. The path went pretty much directly through them. I didn't.

The mainly flat path had a few variations - fields, tracks and tree enclosed walkways with their welcome shade.

After many kilometres in land I came back down to East Fleet. Chesil Beach still obscured the sea from view. Walking around the field edges here I stumbled across the annual Dorset midgey convention. The local chapter was out in full force, and I became their edible target. They clung to any bit of me I couldn't swipe as their new best friend. Believe me, I wasn't.

There were fewer midges on the board walk. When I did eventually stop for lunch I brushed ~20 travelling gnats off my backpack. They really don't give up easily.

Aha, not only are the bovine beasts and monster midges out to get me, the hasty horses are on the loose.

West Fleet is a pleasant lagoon. It just goes on and on for quite a bit. It's a shame as one shouldn't tire of seeing sand, seaweed, shoreline and sea. In fact, at 13 km, Fleet Lagoon is longer than Ullswater - for the Lake District fans amongst my reader(s).

The sea defences have been here a while, this one has grown a toupee.

More warning signs. No red flag flying today so I marched around the firing range.

Another sea defence - they were everywhere. This one has the full unkempt beard look.

Portland Bill suddenly loomed into view. This was my first sight of it all day, as it had been too misty to spot when I left West Bexington.

Goodness me! Do the warnings never end?

Towards the end of West Fleet there are numerous sheds on the brackish shore line, no doubt supporting the local fishing and shellfish industry.

I stopped at Ferry Bridge. The next leg is a 21 km sweep around the Isle of Portland so I'll treat myself to that another fine fair day. Under 100 km to go...
Time on route 5:45hrs, walking time 5:10hrs.
Tuesday 08 May 2018

It had been the hottest early May Bank Holiday on record so I waited until both the temperature and holiday crowds dissipated before heading back onto the path. I reversed what I usually do, parking at the beginning of my walk knowing I'd have to catch the bus back to it at the end. I figured it'd be easier to park down a lane in Swyre than in Weymouth. I headed off On Chesil Beach but fortunately didn't have to slog the ankle-turning shingle for too long as the path hops onto a track at the back of the beach.

I noted all the sheep's wool caught on the brambles. Then I realised there were no sheep around - particularly as the track was fenced off - so I inspected these bundles of fluff more closely and realised they were larvae nests.

These caterpillar nests are all over the brambles. Just waiting to pupate and fly.

The SWCP stone signage is a nice Dorset touch.

I climbed up onto Chapel Hill. OK, hardly a 'climb' in the SWCP sense of the word: a dizzying 40 m above MSL but enough for me to finally peer over Chesil Beach shingle spit and spot the sea. It was a rare view for today's leg.

Looking forwards east, the Fleet Lagoon stretched on for miles. Back in 1943 it was famously used to test Barnes Wallis' bouncing bomb. It's a strange place. From the nature point of view it hosts the Swannery at Abbotsbury, numerous bird nesting sites (which is why the coast path often deviates away from the coast) and other conservation preservation zones. These nestle up next to old MOD pill boxes and live firing ranges. So still very much a mix of military and wildlife.

Talking of wildlife, my old foe appeared. The path went pretty much directly through them. I didn't.

The mainly flat path had a few variations - fields, tracks and tree enclosed walkways with their welcome shade.

After many kilometres in land I came back down to East Fleet. Chesil Beach still obscured the sea from view. Walking around the field edges here I stumbled across the annual Dorset midgey convention. The local chapter was out in full force, and I became their edible target. They clung to any bit of me I couldn't swipe as their new best friend. Believe me, I wasn't.

There were fewer midges on the board walk. When I did eventually stop for lunch I brushed ~20 travelling gnats off my backpack. They really don't give up easily.

Aha, not only are the bovine beasts and monster midges out to get me, the hasty horses are on the loose.

West Fleet is a pleasant lagoon. It just goes on and on for quite a bit. It's a shame as one shouldn't tire of seeing sand, seaweed, shoreline and sea. In fact, at 13 km, Fleet Lagoon is longer than Ullswater - for the Lake District fans amongst my reader(s).

The sea defences have been here a while, this one has grown a toupee.

More warning signs. No red flag flying today so I marched around the firing range.

Another sea defence - they were everywhere. This one has the full unkempt beard look.

Portland Bill suddenly loomed into view. This was my first sight of it all day, as it had been too misty to spot when I left West Bexington.

Goodness me! Do the warnings never end?

Towards the end of West Fleet there are numerous sheds on the brackish shore line, no doubt supporting the local fishing and shellfish industry.

I stopped at Ferry Bridge. The next leg is a 21 km sweep around the Isle of Portland so I'll treat myself to that another fine fair day. Under 100 km to go...